June 13th, 2007
I thought this was an exclusive. Turns out it’s not, as there are close-ups available here.
Doubtless it’ll prove more popular than the despised white shirt (below). I have to say, contrary to popular opinion, I quite like it.
Weirdly, both kits fit pretty well with the Gunnerblog colour scheme. COINCIDENCE? Yes, almost certainly.
And so, the fixture list is out. We start at home to Fulham and end in Moscow for the Champions League Final. Obviously.
June 13th, 2007
In today’s edition, The Times accompanied this article with a comparison of two individual Henry performances – one from 05/06, and one from 06/07. The argument was that the 06/07 performance was significantly inferior to that of a year earlier.
Right. That’s that then. Let’s sell Henry.
Oh, hang on. What performances were they?
Well, the first performance was a two-goal showing in a 5-0 victory over Aston Villa. The second was in the 2-1 defeat away to Fulham – widely recognised as one of the worst Arsenal performances of Arsene’s reign. Hardly a fair analysis, is it?
Meanwhile, Henry continues to flirt outrageously with Barcelona. He’s no longer fluttering his eyelashes – he’s hitching up his skirt and pouting like an under-priced prostitute.
I don’t know about you, but I’m losing patience with the whole thing.