Signing Suggestion #4: Åukasz FabiaÅ„ski
418 comments May 10th, 2007
Yes, I admit, this is less of a “signing suggestion” and more of a “desperate attempt to catch up with pretty much every other football news source going”, but that’s not important. What does matter is that it seems we’re about to make our first signing of the summer, and surprise surprise: you’ve never heard of him. Well, neither have I, but that won’t prevent me attempting to give you the low-down on the Polish stopper:
Name: Åukasz FabiaÅ„ski
Pronounciation: Woo-kash (as in Wookie) Fab-yan-ski
Subsequent potential nickname: Chewbacca
Age: 22
England Caps: 0
Height: 6’2″
Youtube credits: Peter Cech vs. Åukasz FabiaÅ„ski, and the less celebrated but equally appallingly accompanied Kompilacja o Åukaszu FabiaÅ„skim.
Not to be confused with: The similarly sounding but entirely different Luis Fabiano.
Style of play: Unknown
Potential for future: Unknown
Favourite colour: Unknown
Karaoke Favourite: “Perfect” by Fairground Attraction