Archive for December 15th, 2006

Will Kanu, Campbell, and Adams Come Back to Haunt Us?

632 comments December 15th, 2006

Nwankwo Kanu is a very strange footballer.  Nobody knows how old he is, or where his first name has gone.  He is unbelievably lazy, has a terrible attitude, as well as a propensity to miss chances from a yard out, yet he has an almost magical control over the ball.  In his time at Arsenal, he was one of my favourite players: he did things with his feet that I have never seen before, topping it all off with that remarkable back-flicked effort against Middlesbrough.  I for one will be giving him a good reception tomorrow.

Sol Campbell is a tricky one.  His West Ham walkout soured his reputation with the fans, though a Champions League final goal may have redeemed him somewhat.  Speaking of the Champions League, we’ve got a good draw against PSV in the second round: we should expect to progress.

Finally Tony Adams: an Arsenal legend, he has now entirely disassociated himself from the club, including failing to turn up for the final day at Highbury or Dennis Bergkamp’s testimonial.  To hear me chat about his return amongst other things, download the Arsecast.  If you listen carefully, you’ll also hear me talking about “Patrick Vieira’s Testimonial”: an imaginary event that I seem to have created purely for your entertainment.

It’s a top-end of the table clash, and it should be an entertaining game.  William Gallas and Tomas Rosicky both have an outside chance of being fit, though Thierry Henry is still out.

Arsene has been fined £10,000 for shoving Alan Pardew.  Still, at least he didn’t get sacked by some Icelandic bloke.

Finally, Jeremie Aliadiere might up sticks and leave.  With Lupoli, Stokes, Bendtner, and Walcott all on the rise, you feel it might be best.

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