And you can tell everybody: This is our Song.
32 comments July 8th, 2006
He’s back. The â?¬4m man, once called “a player who makes Gus Caesar look like Pele“, has returned to training. Chelsea are reportedly quaking in their flashy boots.
Song was joined by Mathieu Flamini, Pascal Cygan, and forgotten man Justin Hoyte as Arsenal made an early return to training. With the Champions League Qualifier on the 8th or 9th of August, and most of our players knackered from the World Cup, we need to get the squad ready to go as soon as possible.
By that time, Alex Song will be just short of his 19th birthday. Whilst his first season at Arsenal was by any standards poor, we have to try and trust Arsene’s judgement. He is not the sort of manager to wash â?¬4m down the drain: he clearly sees something in Song that we don’t. If we give him a chance, we too might see just what the manager does in our Song. And when that time comes, I hope you won’t mind if I put down in words how wonderful life is now he’s in the world.
The covers are off the seats at the Emirates Stadium, and the results are impressive if not slightly dull. Couldn’t we have left some white in order to spell out the club name, sponsorship logos, and insults aimed at assorted Tottenham players?
Still, you won’t get many complaints from me. The new ground looks absolutely fantastic, and I for one can’t wait to get in there. People say it feels a bit soulless, but you’d say that about any stadium that’s yet to be played in. Perhaps you’d prefer to play here. it may be old, but hey: it’s got plenty of “soul“. Except it hasn’t. And it’s shit.
Oh well, I suppose there’s no pleasing some people. Congratulations however to Thierry Henry and Jens Lehmann, who were voted into the World Cup All Star Squad. FIFA were impressed enough with Cesc Fabregas to nominate him for the Best Young Player, but he lost out in the voting to Lukas Pole-dolksi. Cristiano Ronaldo had been leading the way until a national campaign to see him ousted. Well played, gentlemen.