Archive for June 19th, 2006

First Pictures of New Kit Unveiled

29 comments June 19th, 2006

Well ladies and gentlemen, here it is: Arsenal’s home kit for the 2006/07 season. It’s a bit of a blurry image, but you get the jist. It’s good to see the lads in red and white again, and on this first look, I really like the new design.

With the new kit to come, I have it on good authority that some of our first team players will be changing their squad numbers this season, so don’t rush out and get your shirts printed straight away.

Later today I’m going to be doing a World Cup round-up, but I thought I’d wait for the various Swiss, Togolese, and Spanish members of our squad to get their days work out of the way. Though it seems the Togolese aren’t particularly keen to do very much. Thank God Ron Atkinson no longer works for ITV – he’d have plenty to say about that. Fans of Ron/racism, however, can tune into UKG2, where he commentates on their football coverage. It’s a good partnership really: his views are about as out-of-date as their programmes.

As far as genuine club news goes, transfer rumours etc., there isn’t any. Once the group stages are over, I’m sure some stuff will filter through. Until then, keep enjoying the World Cup.

Like I said, I’ll be back later for a whizz round the Gunners in Germany.

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