Archive for January 19th, 2006

24 Hour Countdown to Walcott-mania…

39 comments January 19th, 2006

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger hopes to seal a deal for Theo Walcott “in the next 24 hours“.

We are very heavily in the race,Le Boss told, “but nothing is done and, as long as nothing is signed, you cannot talk about it“.

Some very well placed sources have confirmed that Theo had a medical with Arsenal today, and I’d imagine the announcement will happen at around 1pm tomorrow.

Southampton, however, being a PLC, might announce the sale in the morning. Unfortunately, they don’t need to say who he’s been sold to…

Ha. Don’t worry. It’ll be us.

Meanwhile, with us travelling to Goodison on Saturday, we’re without three left-backs: Ashley Cole, Gael Clichy, and Pascal Cygan. To be fair, Cygan is not really a left back. Or a centre-back. Speaking of centre-backs, Sol Campbell will have to have a fitness test. Fun and games.

Walcott to sign today or tomorrow…?

18 comments January 19th, 2006

Those rumours of a medical today have now spread like wildfire, and it’s now seen pretty much as fact.

One thing I can confirm is that Walcott is not training with Southampton this morning: a sure sign that some sort of move is imminent.

I really can’t underline enoguh how big a coup it would be for us to get him. A young English talent, the most talked about teenager since Wayne Rooney – this is the kind of signing that fans have always wanted. I think, especially in this case, his nationality does mean something to the supporters. To have the line led by an Englishman would be a nice thing.

Let’s hope we’re all put out of our misery sooner rather than later.

Come on Theo!

ps. Adebayor on his first team ambitions…

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