6 comments September 8th, 2004
Thankyou Sporting Life. Thankyou for making the barren landscape of the Arsenal Newsnow section that much brighter with a headline of such pure, unparalleled genius that I am tempted to engrave it into my forehead.
I wish I was lying when I say that that is the most interesting piece of Arsenal news there has been since my last update. However, I’m not.
To be fair, as football stories go, it’s fairly colourful. TV Chef/football supremo Delia Smith labels Henry inconsiderate for refusing to sign autographs for small East Anglian ruffians – Henry, outraged, hits back, with the somewhat weak line “This woman wasn’t even there“. Bless.
Well, it now seems that Thierry Henry won’t be signing for Norwich. He has only himself to blame.
Tonight England play Poland. If we don’t win, all the papers will say Sven should go, and then he won’t.
Will he, Pingu.