When there’s nothing to write about, I talk utter bollocks. Witness.
13 comments September 22nd, 2004
To be fair, the fact that Arsene Wenger might sign a new contract next month is fairly news-worthy. But there’s not much legs in that story. That was it, there.
I’m going to university on Sunday. That might be fun.
Sometimes, I wonder if Pringles were sold in normal packets, would they be a success. Y’know, without the big tubey things.
I doubt it. The tube is kinda the gimmick upon which the whole of the Pringles’ success has been based.
This is crap.
I’m really tired.
What’s incredible, though, is that I can write whatever I want, and some people will still end up reading it.
My thoughts, insignificant though they are, are broadcast to the world.
That’s the great thing about the internet. It enables a self-obsessed wanker like me to have my say. But not just me. People who do know what they’re talking about, too.
I’m guessing you’re here because you’re either a) an Arsenal fan b) related to me or c) lost.
Poor you.
I don’t know where this is going. I can’t think straight at all. It’s absolutely criminal that I can even nearly contemplate publishing this.
Ok, I promise that tomorrow will have a very nice journalisticallisty article, all polished, and maybe even with pictures. Deal?