Yobo: Arsenal didn’t sign me “because I play for my country”…
94 comments September 16th, 2004
Oh. Really?
I thought it was because you were shit.
In other news, we’re really poor. Mihir Bose, a prize wanker if ever I saw one, says in The Telegraph that
“The football business lost £6 million on an operating level after buying and selling players, while in the 2002-03 season it made a small profit of £700,000.”
Care yet?
“Wages made up around 45 per cent of income last season compared to nearly 52 per cent two years ago. But this incorporates some nifty accounting footwork with income from property being added to football income.”
Remotely fussed? Anybody?
“Ten years ago, Arsenal led the way in England with merchandise sales, but last season the income from retail was £6.9m, nearly £2m down on the year before.”
Nike’s fault.
“There is an exceptional write-off of £6.3m reflecting “the impairment of certain players’ registrations and reduces the carrying value of those registrations to their expected recoverable amount”. What this means is that signings such as Francis Jeffers were not worth what Wenger paid.”
Jeffers, you jug-eared cunt.
Some people.
UPDATE (17:51) : Cesc Fabregas has committed his long-term future to Arsenal football club by signing an extension to his current deal. Great news. More tomorrow.