Archive for March 18th, 2005

A tribute to a better site than mine, and almost certainly a bigger man too

19 comments March 18th, 2005

There is no real Arsenal news of any significance, other than the tragic passing of Steve Gleiber. Steve’s webpage is one of the oldest and most popular Arsenal sites there is, and certainly one of the first I ever visited. The sincerity of the contributions made on his forum show quite the respect this man held.

Steve’s cousin Rob K says it much better than I ever could:

“I am very sad to have to say that my wonderful cousin Steve Gleiber, host of the forum, passed away a few hours ago. Stevie was only 41 years old but has finally lost his battle with cancer. He is survived by his loving family Jutka, Janche & Susie and his wonderful partner Angela. He was a big guy with a bigger heart. Even though he in lived in Sydney, and we, his maternal family, live in the UK he was always a large part of all of our lives and we loved him dearly. He loved his family & partner, life & Arsenal passionately. I miss him already.”

The greatest memorial we could give to Steve would be the continued discussion of our beloved Arsenal in the polite, dignified, humorous manner that he personified and, by virtue of his site, allowed so many others to indulge in.

Our thoughts are with Steve’s family.

R.I.P. Steve

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