Posts filed under 'Video'

Video: On The Whistle – “Rosicky is Peter Pan; Flamini is a Lost Boy”

5 comments January 25th, 2015

On the Whistle video reaction to Arsenal’s FA Cup win over Brighton – from California!

Video: On the Whistle – “Alexis Sanchez is world class”

1 comment January 11th, 2015

On The Whistle video reaction to another Alexis-inspired victory.

Video: On The Whistle – “Now put your feet up Alexis – please!

Add comment January 4th, 2015

On The Whistle response to the cup win over Hull.

Video: On The Whistle – “Szczesny was in full Almunia mode”

2 comments January 1st, 2015

Here’s the video response to our 2-0 defeat at Southampton. In the video, I inexplicably claim the scoreline was 2-1. Call it wishful thinking.

West Ham Reaction – Thoughts on Coquelin, Welbeck & Akpom

1 comment December 29th, 2014

Well that was fun. After being horribly ill on Boxing Day, I was well enough to attend Upton Park yesterday and had a brilliant day. It’s a proper old-fashioned ground (forgive the cliche), and if you’ve never been I urge you to try and attend in its final season next year. I’ll miss it.

My video blog reaction to the game is directly above, but the real point of this post is to nudge you in the direction of my latest SportLobster blog, which looks in closer detail at questions surrounding Francis Coquelin, Danny Welbeck and Chuba Akpom. If I said the same thing here, I’d simply be repeating myself.

I think I enjoyed this win more than any other this season. That’s largely because it was an enthralling game with a cracking atmosphere, but also because it feels like a significant result: I don’t mind admitting that I was absolutely convinced we’d lose. Andy Carroll is usually like kryptonite for us, but we coped surprisingly well with the aerial onslaught. The Stoke debacle has clouded what’s actually been a very decent run of results.

Southampton next. If we can come back from St. Mary’s with a point or more we’ll reflect on a very merry festive period indeed.

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