Two things to cheer you up this morning
1 comment March 2nd, 2009
1) David Bentley blasting his penalty wide in the decisive penalty shoot at the Carling Cup Final
2) Aston Villa conspiring to “do an Arsenal” and concede two late late goals, throwing away a certain victory against Stoke.
The latter is of course of particular relevance to our season, and means that Villa have left the door to the Champions League ever so slightly ajar. It was quite funny watching MOTD2: when John Carew scored Villa’s second, Jonathan Pearce declared the game “won” and informed the viewers that “Aston Villa were on their way to the Champions League”. Now, whilst my opinion yesterday was that that may well be the case, I’m not sure it’s the place of an independent commentator like the BBC to make that assertion. With eleven games to play, the gap is six points, which feels much more surmountable than eight. We just have to give it everything we’ve got, starting tomorrow at struggling West Brom.
No time for much more this morning – just a quick note to say that if you watched ArsenalTVOnline’s free coverage of Arsenal vs Fulham don’t forget to send some feedback to to stand a chance of winning a subscription to the service. Ciao for now.