Today is Gunnerblog’s Birthday
419 comments July 27th, 2007
Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that the internet terrorists chose today to try and bring down this site: it’s a big day in the Arsenal internet community. Not only is it Tom from arseblog’s birthday (Happy Birthday mate), but it’s also the third anniversary of the birth of Gunnerblog. It’s quite amazing to see the changes the site has gone through since that day:
As we enter our fourth year, there’s an even fresher look, thanks to the brilliant work of my chum Gael. However, he’s not been the only person to help out over the years. The aforementioned Tom and arseblogger have been incredibly giving of their time and energies and ability to explain to me what CSS is. I can’t thank them all enough.
In the last year, the number of unique visitors has doubled, and the “Guns” have taken on a life of their own, to the point where I sometimes wonder if anyone’s even reading what I write anymore. It’s exciting to think where we might be a year from now.
Things are still progressing. A new comments system is being mooted, and there are interesting merchandising opportunities on the horizon. If these things never arrive, it’s probably because I’m too lazy/inept to pursue them, but it’s just great that they’re even possible.
So here’s to another three years, another few hundred waffling posts, and most importantly, another First Gun.