Real Madrid are liars (allegedly)
998 comments July 6th, 2007
Well, I’m not stupid, am I? I don’t want Ramón Calderón turning up at my office with a team of lawyers and Julio Baptista dressed like Robocop. But they are liars (allegedly). Yesterday afternoon they claimed they had held talks with Arsene Wenger, but by late last night, Arsenal were vehemently denying it. Calderon claims:
“Once we decided that Capello would not continue, Mijatovic underwent talks with Schuster, Koeman, Laudrup and Wenger.”
Unless by “talks” he means “a casual conversation about the weather”, he is talking out of his arse. Maybe Mijatovic is frightened of Calderón, so just claims to have held all these imaginary meetings to pacify him. The truth of the matter is that Schuster has been lined up to take over for months now, hence why Capello’s La Liga triumph would never have been enough to save him.
Note to Real Madrid: Paying an exorbitant sum of money for Jose Antonio Reyes might, just might redeem you in my eyes. Think on it.
Some thoughts on the Tevez to Man U transfer, which I’m led to believe is far more than a rumour: it’s a great signing for Man U. He’s a terrific player, a match-winner, and someone with real character. However, this deal is very messy indeed. The impending move to Old Trafford will open a huge can of worms as regards West Ham’s misdemeanours, and rightly or wrongly it is just not Arsene’s style to get involved in this sort of transfer.
However, it’s yet another sign that if we want to be competetive this year (and by that I don’t even neccessarily mean challenging for the title) we need to bring in two or three more quality outfield signings, particularly in wide areas.
Finally, I’d like to offer my condolences to the Bergkamp family for the passing of Dennis’ father, Wim.  I’m sure many of us fondly remember the poignant kick-off between father and son at Dennis’ testimonial.
It’s Friday today. Two weeks since the news of Henry’s transfer broke. Feeling better yet?
UPDATE: The Telegraph says Arsenal have confirmed Gilberto as Captain and Cesc as his vice. If true, I believe it’s the right decision. Cesc is a good potential leader, but it’s too much pressure to put on his young shoulders. As vice, he can flourish under Gilberto’s leadership before taking over (if he’s still here) in a few years time.
As for Gilberto, he was an outstanding leader last term, and those who say he’s no longer required in the team underestimate the value of a player who we missed so badly during his long term absence in 2005/06. He absolutely deserves it.