Things to do when there’s no Arsenal news: Part 1
56 comments May 28th, 2006
Go to a 24 hour restaurant.
At least, that’s what my friend Gael and I did. Admittedly, this was less to do with there being no Arsenal news, and more to do with a combination of an emotional breakdown and intense boredom, but nonetheless, it’s an option. Vingt-Quatre in Chelsea it was, and a lovely place too. There really is nothing like a steak sandwich at 3am. Apart from a steak sandwich at 3.04am, which is alarmingly similiar.
If you’re not hungry (or foolish) enough to embark upon a quest for midnight dining, you could spend time pondering the possible transfer comings-and-goings at Arsenal. So far it’s been Rosicky in, Pires out, and Bergkamp retired. We know that Cygan will go, and it seems ever more likely that Cole and Campbell will join him. So with three defenders potentially on the move, we’ve been linked with yet another winger. Naturally.
There’s not much to say about Frank Ribery, simply because I haven’t really seen him play. He’d run Francis Jeffers close in an ugly contest though.
Sod rain, pray for news…